PhD lunch on Monday, 15.01. 12:30 pm at Mensa [13.01.24]
Meet other PhD students of Hohenheim and have lunch together.Dear doctoral candidates of Hohenheim,
on Monday, 15th of January at 12:30 pm we will have our next PhD lunch at Mensa.
This is a great opportunity for you to get to know other PhD students at Hohenheim and have a nice chat during lunch. We meet at 12.30 in front of Mensa. If you arrive later you can join us in the newly built part of Mensa.
The lunch will be 15.1. not 8.2., unlike erroneously stated in the newsletter on Monday 8.1.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your Graduate Council Board
Julie, Veronica, Antti and Oyebanji