
Info event “PhD Representatives: What they do and why you should become one”, March 21st, 6pm, S04 or zoom  [06.03.24]

Meet your PhD representatives and exchange about opportunities to be a PhD representative and the upcoming university elections

Dear fellow PhDs,

We would like to invite you to an (online) exchange about opportunities to be a PhD representative and the upcoming university elections on Thursday March 21, 18:00 in S04 or via zoom: https://uni-hohenheim.zoom-x.de/j/65386345504?pwd=ZHp6eG5kVjhpRTJKaEt5UStpKzcvdz09

We are fortunate to have PhD representatives in many committees that can actively shape the university policy and advocate for improving conditions for PhD students. Two active representatives will outline what roles different councils play in the University’s decision-making, share their experiences in the committees and how positive changes can be achieved.

We warmly want to invite everyone interested in the topic, and particularly those who think about running for office. Committee work will not only make you understand how the self-administration of our university works, it also provides opportunities for professional development in areas like public speaking, negotiation, conflict management etc.

You are most welcome to join, discuss and learn about our important right to be involved in decision making – and also don’t forget to join us for the PhD TMS Party afterwards at 19:00!

Please feel free to share this invitation with all interested fellow researchers and colleagues.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Your PhD Representatives



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