
PhD Representative's Meeting (PREM) on Wednesday 8th September, 5pm  [06.09.21]

During the PhD Representative's Meeting PhD students discuss issues and initiatives to improve the conditions of PhD students in Hohenheim. All PhD students are invited.


All PhD students are invited to join our PhD Representative's Meeting (PREM) this coming Wednesday, 8th September, at 5 pm.

Please join us at: https://uni-hohenheim.zoom.us/j/88062021717?pwd=U3ZXczVPRURoeFBFMG1hQkViU2pMZz09

The current agenda includes the following topics:


  1. Recap from last meeting
  2. Update from the Graduate Academy
  3. Translation challenges
  4. Hand-over Workshop for committees
  5. Meeting of committee to improve the PhD Study program
  6. Welcome Week for PhD students


If there are any additional topics you’d like to discuss, please contact the Proko-Board via proko@uni-hohenheim.de

As the weather is so surprisingly nice, we thought about an After-PREM beer in Garbe. Please let us, the Proko-Board, know, if you’d like to join, then we will make a reservation accordingly.

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